13 May 2014

The process in the time-machine

How is the process in the time-machine?
The main focus is set. A number of Startup Weekend will be held each year and will be hosted by the participating CR members - widely spread all over Europe. Each event will start on a Friday on a date that fits the host. 

Prior to the Startup Weekend (Thursday) the participating filmmakers is a invited to a CR masterclass, where they will be introduced to business-thinking, business model generation, business tools etc. in order to prepare them for the startup weekend.

At the Startup Weekend the participants initially pitch their business ideas (related to the theme) - keep in mind: Startup Weekend is only about creating new business. The owners of the selected ideas then form working groups among all the participants and they start realizing the ideas during the weekend based on there individual knowledge. Sunday evening the new startups is pitched in front of a hardcore group of judges and a winner is picked.

But what happen during the weekend? A lot of knowledge is exchanged. Film makers inspires people from other industries, other industries inspires film makers. Whats happen is a crossover of knowledge and new knowledge is created. All this is considered as valued data and will be collected, together with the outcome of the Startup Weekends by CR and exposed to the industry in a CR knowledge catalog. This will work as inspiration for the industry.

All these bits of knowledge will in short time be a massive collection of data - some is useful, some is not. But what will happen is that we in a short time begin to see a pattern. This pattern we can work on and it will draw the outline of new tools, new business models, new platforms etc. This is innovation.

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